New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects Tuia Pito Ora (NZILA)
The New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects Tuia Pito Ora (NZILA) is the internationally recognised professional body of qualified landscape architects in New Zealand.
The objective of the institute is to promote the profession of landscape architecture throughout New Zealand, and to promote the appropriate and sustainable protection, planning, design, intervention and management of our landscapes. As a collective of professionals, we have a responsibility to assist our members in improving their general and technical knowledge through Conferences and a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme.
Members must undergo an examination in professional practice before becoming a Registered Member and are encouraged to extend their knowledge and skill in their preferred areas of practice.
NZILA is governed by an elected Executive Committee, which comprises a President, Vice-President, and committee members who manage the strategic direction of the Institute throughout each two-year term.
Current Executive Committee
President: Henry Crothers
Vice President: Rebecca Ryder
Hon. Secretary: John Brenkley
Treasurer: Rebecca Ryder
Committee Members:
Megan Ash
Meg Back
Melissa Davis
Dan Males
Kara Scott
William Hatton [TTAN]
For further information on the Executive Committee click here.
IFLA Delegate:
Number of Members:
1130 (including Students) as of May 2021.
Contact Details:
Tel: 0800 843 694
Address: P O Box 10-022, The Terrace, Wellington 6143, New Zealand
Email: admin@nzila.co.nz
Website: www.nzila.co.nz
Social Media:
Instagram: @nzila_national|
Linkedin: New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects Tuia Pito Ora
Twitter: @nzila_info
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ8r8SH4sfbI4ive7Kqurtg/videos
Landscape Architecture Aotearoa
Landscape Architecture Aotearoa is published by the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects Tuia Pito Ora (NZILA).
Website: www.landscapearchitecture.nz
Instagram @laaotearoa
Twitter @LAaotearoa