Philippine Association of Landscape Architects (PALA)
Since its inception on the 8th of December 1977, the Philippine Association of Landscape Architects (PALA) remains as the national organization representing the profession of Landscape Architecture in the country. PALA is responsible for the advancement of the profession as an instrument of service in improving the quality of life within a better natural and built environment. PALA also assists in raising the standard of education through accreditation of Landscape Architecture Programs in Philippine colleges and universities.
Current Executive Committees
President: Pamela Sarunya J. Pagana
Vice President for Internal Affairs: Marie Christine S. Endencia
Assistant Vice President for Internal Affairs: Loriejoy R. Rapi
Vice President got External Affairs: Holtzjosip C. Abbu
Assistant Vice President for External Affairs: Joyce Muriel S. Aguirre
Secretary: Rodyn F. Flores
Treasurer: Danilane C. Lumibao
Charisse Apalis
Ruen A. Balmores
Adrian L. Ilog
IFLA Delegates:
Dr. Nappy Navarra
Mr. Vic Dul-loog
Number of Members: 516
Contact Details
Telephone Number: +639064671289 (Current PALA Secretary)
Address: Unit 3K, Nagkaion Building, No. 22 Malingap Street, Teachers’ Village, Quezon City, Philippines
Email: admin@palaonline.org
Website: http://palaorg.weebly.com/