Munggorn Chaijaroenmaitre

Munggorn Chaijaroenmaitre
Munggorn is a current president of Thai Association of Landscape Architects (TALA) and has over 25 years wide-ranged experience in landscape design, urban design and construction management for various project types including major infrastructures, resorts, hotels, public parks, commercial retail mixed use centers, high- density residential developments, and private residences. His experience includes mass transportation strategic planning, urban design and landscape architectural projects located in Thailand, Southeast Asia, Australia, China, the Middle East, and the United States.
While Munggorn has developed practical project implementation skills, he also comprehends the value of space management and programmatic requirements for various project types. His expertise lies in creating strong and simple contemporary design solutions which often contain complex conceptual design layering.
With his broad-based knowledge, diverse professional backgrounds and varied experience in landscape
architecture, urban design, and construction management, Munggorn brings depth to lead the team with his
deep understanding of complex design resolution across an assorted range of projects.