Japanese Landscape Architects Union
The organization consists of diverse members including Civil engineers, Architects, Academics, Artist, Garden Designers, and L.A. Practitioners.
Registered Landscape Architects in Japan now count more than 600 people, who have successfully passed the registration examination of RLA.
With these (JLAU member ) people as the basis, we have established the Japan Landscape Architects Union (this April of 2013), and the establishment Party for this will be held on November 2nd of 2013. IFLA-Japan and JLAU will be having closer relationships with each other.
Website: http://jlau.or.jp/
Number of Members: To be updated
Current Executive Committees:
President: Mr. Yoshiki Toda
Vice President: Mr. Hiraga Tatsuya, Prof. Kenta Shinozawa, Mr. Hiroki Kutsuna
IFLA Delegate: Prof. Dr. Misato Uehara,
IFLA Vice Delegate: Prof. Dr. Takanori Fukuoka,
JLAU IFLA Committee : Mr. Kiyohito Tamotsu
Address: 150-0041, 1-20-11 Shinnnan, ibuya-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Landscape Hall 6F
Telephone/Fax: +81-3-6902-0687
IFLA-Japan Office Email: jimukyoku@jlau.or.jp
Misato Uehara Email: ueharam@shinshu-u.ac.jp / yukiarai@shinshu-u.ac.jp
Takanori Fukuoka Email: tfukuoka@gmail.com
Kiyohito Tamotsu Email: kiyomail4@gmail.com