Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects (SILA)
The Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects (SILA) is a non-profit organisation representing the Landscape Architectural professional in Singapore. It was established in 1985 to advance the science and art of Landscape Architecture and the theory and practice of landscape, environmental, and urban design; to promote research and education therein; and to create and maintain a high standard of professional qualification.
Current Executive Committees:
President: Srilalitha Gopalakrishnan
Immediate Past President: Ronnie Tan
Vice President (1): N.A
Vice President (2): Yvonne Tan
Honorary Secretary: Elsa Sim Rui Jia
Treasurer: Audrey Xu Jingyi
Committee Members:
Anna Yap
Derek Loei
Emily Lim
Kenya Endo
Kwan Yu Wen
Mayura Anil Patil
Simon Morrison
Jeverss Choo
Wong Ruen Qing
IFLA Delegate:
Damian Tang
Mr. Ronnie Tan
Number of Members: 173
Contact Details:
Tel: +65 6496 5502
Address: 20 Bendeemer Road, BS Bendeemer Centre, #04-02 Singapore 339914
Email: secretariat@sila.org.sg
Website: www.sila.org.sg