Pranisa Boonkham

Pranisa Boonkham
Vice President - Academic Affairs
Pranisa Boonkham has been a lecturer in Landscape Architecture Program at Thammasat
Design School since 2008 and served as the Head of the Program for 7 years. In 2012 Pranisa
was the team leader for the Revision of Thammasat Rangsit Campus Master Plan 2034, of
which sustainability concept was set as the main goal. Since then,she has involved with many
landscape architecture projects within the campus. During 2018-2021 , Pranisa had served as
the Assistant to the Rector for Sustainability & Rangsit Campus Physical Development. Her
responsibility includes the planning and implementation for physical improvements of the
overall campus as well as other sustainability related projects within and outside the campus,
such as urban forest management, garbage management, sustainable transportation, and
organic farming.
Prior to her academic career, she received her Bachelor Degree in Landscape Architecture
from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, and M.L.A. from Harvard Graduate School of Design.
She had been practicing as a landscape architect for 7 years with the renowned firm,
Halvorson Design Partnership in Boston, Massachusetts. Her past projects mostly dealt with
sustainable design in urban landscape context, with the specialization in public space design.
After moving back to her hometown, she has continued to pursue her professional role by
serving as a committee and Vice President in Academic Affairs for Thai Association of
Landscape Architects (TALA).