Kiyohito Tamotsu (Kiyo)

Kiyohito Tamotsu (Kiyo)
Chair, Landscape Architects Without Border IFLA Asia Pacific Region
Director, LOSFEE Co., Ltd.
Lecturer, Kogakuin University in JAPAN
Executive Director of Japan Landscape Architects Union (JLAU)
Kiyo has been a chair of LAWB in IFLA APR for 2 years and his outreach activities called TOMODACHI project has been operated for over 4 years with former IFLA APR president, Takano, Miki and Chiyo to share the wisdom of landscape architecture for non-member countries. Kiyo is awarded landscape architect for IFLA APR and other international design prizes scoped to landscape architecture, architecture, and product designs. He became the Japan representative designer and producer for Doha Horticultural Expo 2023 in Qatar. He has taught nature-based design in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics departments, high schools, and middle schools for many years. His activities have no generations or borders, and his lifework is to convey the usefulness and existence value of landscapes.