IFLA APR Awards 2019: Meet the Jury
We are proud to announce our IFLA APR LA Awards 2019 Jury Panel.
Brad Coombs, New Zealand
President, New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects (NZILA)
Carey Duncan, Morocco
President, IFLA Africa
Damian Tang, Singapore
President IFLA Asia Pacific
Mr Damian Tang is the Asia-Pacific region President of International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) and immediate past president of Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects (SILA). He is also the Senior Design Director of NParks with more than 15 years experience in landscape architecture and multi-disciplinary design practice.
Damian has been instrumental in shaping the landscape architecture profession during his presidency tenure with SILA. Under his leadership he has created greater awareness for the professional practice, raised design standards, and grew the institute with greater capacity and better recognition in Singapore. Damian has been involved in many inter-agencies master planning and design for parks, streetscapes, corridors, waterways, and civic districts from public spaces, infrastructure to township planning. He currently sits in the URA Design Advisory Panel for strategic projects; a PUB ABC Waters Monitoring Committee member advising and reviewing water sensitive design guidelines and standards; and BCA Universal Design Advisory Committee member to reviewing standards and design to create better built environment for elderly and everyone.
David Fletcher, United States
Principal of Fletcher Studio, Landscape Architecture + Urban Design & Associate Professor at California College of the Arts, Department of Architecture
David Fletcher is a landscape architect and urban designer. He is the founding principal of Fletcher Studio, an innovative and award winning collaborative practice based in San Francisco. The firm is a small and local business enterprise (LBE & SBE), and provides comprehensive professional services in landscape architecture, urban design and physical planning and works on a range of projects including: parks, civic spaces, multi-family housing, and master planning projects. Fletcher Studio is committed to a collaborative and contextual approach to spatial design practice and to the design of unique and sustainable landscapes, urban spaces and living infrastructures. Design and planning solutions come from the interaction with the many people, processes, histories, policies, economies and ecologies that are specific to a place. Fletcher Studio received 2016, 2015 and 2013 national honor awards from the American Society of Landscape Architects. The Studio also received an award in 2017 from the Northern California Chapter of the ASLA.
Gillian Lawson, New Zealand
Associate Professor and Head of School of Landscape Architecture at Lincoln University
Gillian (Gill) is Associate Professor and Head of the School of Landscape Architecture at Lincoln University in Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand, but originally from Australia. Her work has focused on the sociology of education, social practices in public/private open spaces, green infrastructure and waterfront communities in landscape planning and design. She has supervised a large cohort of PhD students to completion within these areas in Australia. Her publications range from investigating the struggles of emerging landscape architects to the vulnerability of flood-prone communities in cities in an era of social and environmental change. Her current interests are in national learning outcomes for landscape architecture programmes in Australia, New Zealand and other Asia-Pacific countries, and on water as a catalyst for improving the adaptation of our cities to climate change.
Gill has worked and studied in landscape architecture at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane, Australia, for over twenty years where she received her PhD in 2007. Prior to this, she attended the University of Sydney and the University of New England, Armidale, in Australia, where she studied agricultural and horticultural science. She has been a postdoctoral fellow at Tongji University in Shanghai, PR China, working on large waterfront redevelopment projects across China, and a visiting scholar at the OPENspace Research Centre in Edinburgh, Scotland. Gill is currently a registered landscape architect in New Zealand and registered previously in Australia since 2001.
Herbert Dreiseitl, Germany
Professor at NUS Singapore
Herbert Dreiseitl, Harvard GSD Loeb Fellow, and Fellow of the Center of Liveable Cities in Singapore is a landscape architect, urban designer, water artist, interdisciplinary planner, and currently at Professor at NUS Singapore. He lectures worldwide and has authored many publications including three editions of Recent Waterscapes, Planning, Building and Designing with Water.
He is an internationally highly respected expert in creating Liveable Cities around the world with a special hallmark on the inspiring and innovative use of water to solve urban environmental challenges, connecting technology with aesthetics and encouraging people to take care and ownership for places. For his work he received many awards in the United States and around the world. He has founded Atelier Dreiseitl in1980 (today Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl), a globally integrated design firm with a long-standing history of excellence in urban design, landscape architecture and resilient ecological planning. During the last 5 years he developed the “Liveable Cities Lab” (LCL), a thinktank at the Ramboll Group International, now based in Boston.
Eric Villanueva Estonido, Philippines
President, Philippine Association of Landscape Architects (PALA)
Eric Villanueva Estonido is currently serving as President of the Philippine Association of Landscape Architects (PALA) for the third time. He is set to continue the advocacy to heighten public awareness on the importance of the profession through programs that highlight the benefits of sustainable and responsible design practices.
In 2018, he founded the Triune Landscape Architecture Studio to advocate for better outdoors and its impact to a healthier, happier life. The studio believes that landscape architecture is for everyone and that everybody deserves a quality, well-balanced outdoor spaces. He was also a founding partner of ASEA Design Group (2010-2017), a studio of dynamic and forward-thinking design professionals who are involved with numerous noteworthy projects with some of the leading developers in the Philippines. His works take influence from the modernist design movement but is still rooted to the traditional landscape architectural design principles. In 2017, he was the recipient of the Haligi ng Dangal (Post of Honor) award for Landscape Architecture given by the Philippine National Centre for Culture and the Arts (NCCA).
Kuang-Yu Wang, Taiwan
President, Taiwan Institute of Landscape Architects (TILA)
Dr Wang, Kuang-Yu is the President of Taiwan Institute of Landscape Architects(TILA) and associate professor in the Department of Landscape Architecture, Chung-Yuan University, Taiwan.
After received a bachelor degree in Economics in Taiwan, Dr. Wang went to the US and received a bachelor(BLA) and a master degree(MLA) from the landscape architecture department of University of Oregon. Returned to Taipei, he worked for more than fifteen years in landscape architecture professional practice and teaching part-time in universities. After he received a PhD degree in Geography from National Taiwan University, Dr. Wang turned to full time teaching in the landscape architecture department of Chung Yuan University while maintaining close professional contacts.
Linda Corkery, Australia
Immediate Past President, Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA)

Linda Corkery is a Professor of Landscape Architecture in the Faculty of Built Environment at UNSW Sydney. Her professional experience and academic activities focus on public landscapes, parks and open space; the provision of green infrastructure in high density cities; and collaborative, inclusive planning and design processes. Linda is a Director of Corkery Consulting, Landscape Architects based in Sydney. She is a Registered Landscape Architect, Fellow of the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects, and immediate past AILA National President.
Mohammad Motallebi, Iran
President, IFLA Middle East
Mohammad Motallebi as co-founder and interim president of IFLA Middle East is a practitioner- lecturer Iranian environmental and landscape designer. He earned his Bachelor of Landscape Engineering from University of Tabriz and Master of Environmental Design from University of Tehran.
Environmentally-responsible design and sustainable urban development have been Mohammad’s core focus throughout his career. He has worked on more than 30 Landscape, Urbanism and Tourism projects in local to national levels.
In 2012 he was elected as ISLAP’s President. In recent years he was juror for Singapore national Landscape Awards and IFLA Asia Pacific Landscape Awards. He is a member of jury for IFLA Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Gold Medal.
Monica Kuo, Taiwan
Chair and Dean of Environmental Planning & Design College Chinese Culture University

Prof. Monica Kuo is the chair & dean of Environmental Planning & Design College, Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Chinese Culture University. She is also the honorable president of Taiwan Institute of Landscape Architects (TILA) and the winner of Outstanding Achievement on Landscape Planning for Tung-Yuan Award, Taiwan.
After received the MLA from U. of Penn., she started her professional practice in Philly. Then she returned to Taiwan joining the first frontier task , working on the survey and planning of six National Parks in Taiwan. Following the public services, she was invited as the chair of the Dept. of Landscape Architecture in C.C.U. Since then, with her great interest and passion on research, practicing and teaching, she devoted most of her effort on the promotion of the status of Landscape Architects as well as wide range of Eco-Urbanism, Wetland Protection, Coastal Zone Management, Public Arts and Nature Conservation in Taiwan.
Prof. Kuo is one of the few scholars persistently dedicated in the wide spectrum of public policies on the environmental protection, landscape education as well as nature and culture conservation. Currently, she is ready to publish her new book — Formosa’s Landscape in Transition & Adaption.
Osman Mohd Tahir, Malaysia
Immediate Past President, Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia (ILAM)
Associate Professor LAr. Dr. Osman Mohd Tahir, has been actively involved in the field of landscape architecture since 1984. Currently, he is the Dean of the Faculty of Design and Architecture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, the President of the Institute of Landscape Architects, Malaysia (ILAM) and the Deputy Chairman of the Dean Council for the Built Environment, Malaysia. Concurrently, he is an Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture in the Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Design and Architecture Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).
He holds a Bachelor of Agriculture Science from the UPM; Master in Landscape Architecture and Doctor of Philosophy in Sustainable Urban Landscape Management from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. He is a Professional Landscape Architect and a Certified Arborist. His research interests include Sustainable Landscape, Sustainable Landscape Management, Landscape Identity and Iconography, Arboriculture, Permaculture and Sustainable Living, Park and Landscape Plant. He is the Group Leader of Park and Landscape Plant Research Group. He previously served as the Editor in Chief for Nature Yield and Wonders of Art (NYAWA) and Sustainable Tropical Environmental Design Exhibition (STEDex). Dr. Osman currently is an International Scientific Committee for Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies (ajE-Bs) and Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies (jABs), and the Chief Editor of the Landscape Bulletin and the Editor in Chief of the Malaysia Landscape Architects Awards Yearbook.
Pei Zhu, China
Dean of Central Academy of Fine Arts
Zhu Pei, one of the leading Chinese architects, received his Master degree in Architecture both from Tsinghua University and UC Berkeley, he founded Studio Pei-Zhu in Beijing in 2005.
Zhu Pei won The Architectural Review Future Project Awards in 2017, Honor Award from the AIA in 2015, he was named one of “the 5 greatest architects under 50” by the Huffington Post in 2011, DFA Grand Award and Special Award for Culture, Hong Kong, in 2008, the Design Vanguard Award by Architecture Record in 2007, China Award from Architectural Record in 2005, WA award in 2004, Special Merit Award by UIA and UNESCO in 1989.
In 2006 and 2007, Zhu Pei was commissioned by Guggenheim Foundation to design Guggenheim Art Pavilion in Abu Dhabi, the Guggenheim Museum in Beijing. His built works include CaiGuo-Qiang Courtyard House Renovation (Beijing, 2007), Digital Beijing, Olympics Control Center (Beijing, 2008), OCT Design Museum, Minsheng Museum of Modern Art (Beijing, 2015), Taimiao Art Museum etc. He is currently working onJingjing Cultural Center, Dali Museum of Contemporary Art, Himalaya Culture Center in Tibet, YangLiping Performing Arts Center and Imperial Kiln Museum in Jingdezhen etc.
Perry Lethlean, Australia
Director of Taylor Cullity Lethlean
Perry Lethlean is one of Australia’s leading contemporary urban and landscape designers. His work is widely published, particularly his successful entries for major national and international design competitions including the National Arboretum in Canberra and the University of Sydney.
Perry has led the successful implementation of complex landscape and urban projects such as The Forest Gallery at the Melbourne Museum, the National Arboretum Canberra, winner of the 2014 World Architecture Festival’s ‘Landscape of the Year’, Auckland Waterfront – North Wharf Promenade and Silo Park, winner of the 2014 Rosa Barba Landscape Prize, and the Australian Garden, Cranbourne, which won the 2013 World Architecture Festival ‘Landscape of the Year’ Award.
His experience varies from the preparation of large-scale urban design frameworks and masterplans to the detailed design of urban and landscape spaces. Perry’s commitment to quality design outcomes permeates his work at all scales resulting in urban environments that are both beautiful and vital.
Pongsak Laomanacharoen, Thailand
President, Thai Association of Landscape Architects (TALA)
Raquel Penalosa, Canada
Immediate Past President IFLA Americas
A practicing Landscape Architect for more than 30 years, Raquel Peñalosa works at the encounter of Landscape Architecture, Urban Participatory Design, Active Citizenship and Social Innovation. Through her practice, she has developed public space projects, and consultancies in the fields of planning, design and construction, directing multidisciplinary teams, with private and public sectors, in Canada, California and France. She has acquired a distinctive practice and a fine sense of Landscape and its diversity of expressions. She developed a unique experience designing, implementing and promoting events that feature landscape architecture and garden design, putting forward the value of the green in today’s cities and urban life through sustainability, Flora Montreal 2006-2007. She is currently, practicing participatory design and integrating collaborative processes to bring into the design conversation the active citizenship practice for more thriving and human oriented cities. As part of her engagement in the community, she has dedicated her time and efforts to advance organizational and citizen governance as well as the involvement of the younger generations. Instrumental on the candidature to host IFLA World Congress 2017 in Montreal, she is co-chair of the Landscape Architecture Scientific Committee. As the CSLA IFLA Delegate since 2011, she chaired the development of the Canadian Landscape Charter. As IFLA AMERICAS President since 2014, she is leading a movement – BRIDGING THE LANDSCAPES OF THE AMERICAS to envision an AMERICAS LANDSCAPE CHARTER
Ricardo Riveros, Chile
President IFLA Americas
Ricardo Riveros Celis , President of IFLA AR (Americas Region), studied Landscape Architecture at INACAP Chile. Later he graduated as a Master in Urban Planning at the Universidad de Chile. He is currently enrolled in the Doctorate in Architecture and Urbanism of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina.
President of the Chilean Institute of Landscape Architects ICHAP, member of IFLA, Executive Secretary of the Forums of the Latin American Landscape Initiative LALI and Director of the NGO Patrimonio y Paisaje in Chile. Professor for 14 years in schools of Landscape Architecture in Chile, currently at the School of Landscape Architecture of the Universidad Central in Chile. Researcher and international keynote speaker in Landscape, professor of international workshops on Landscape, public space and community participation. Collaborator in the platforms The Nature of Cities and Ladera Sur.
Ronnie Tan, Singapore
Ronnie Tan is President of Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects (SILA) and national delegate to the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA). He leads SILA’s Education and Research Strategic Thrust and the Landscape Architects Accreditation Advisory Committee. He is also member of the government’s Future Economy Council (FEC) Built Environment (BE) Cluster Sub-committee.
Currently teaching Environment Design at the School of Design, Temasek Polytechnic in Singapore, he focuses on landscape architecture, sustainable design and the applied confluence of landscape and the built environment in the programme.
Shaun Walsh, Australia
President, Australian Institute of Landscape Architects
Shaun has a professional background in Town Planning, Environmental Management and Landscape Architecture with various roles in local, state and federal government and well as a design manager in a private practice. He studied Landscape Architecture as a post graduate at a later age and has established his landscape architecture career at a management level. He is the Chief Executive Officer of City Parklands P/L in Brisbane which is a commercial entity that manages South Bank and Roma Street Parklands and its 12 million visitors a year on behalf of the Brisbane City Council and the Queensland Government. Shaun is also a Director of Oxley Creek Transformation P/L which is overseeing $100 million open space renewal of the Oxley Creek Corridor on behalf of Brisbane City Council. Shaun is very interested in bedding down the new corporate governance structure introduced by AILA’s new Constitution. He is also interested in financial sustainability, in particular implementing measures to ensure ongoing financial prosperity of the organisation. On a personal level Shaun is a keen gardener, having established a large estate garden in the Sunshine Coast hinterland over 16 years, with previous smaller gardens being open to the public. He is also a committed volunteer of Landcare and organiser of “Great Noosa Trail Walk” which raises profile of the local landscape and fundraises for local community groups.
Tatsuya Hiraga, Japan
Vice President, Japan Landscape Architect Union (JLAU)
Tony Williams, Ireland
President, IFLA Europe
Tony Williams is Senior Landscape Architect at Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII). He is a graduate of Natural Science (Moderatorship in Botany) from Trinity College Dublin and holds a Masters in landscape Architecture from University College Dublin. He has been on the council of the Irish Landscape Institute (ILI) since 2005 and held the position of Hon. Secretary from 2008 to 2011 and President from 2013 to 2016. He has been the Irish delegate for the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) since 2007 and has been on the executive council of IFLA Europe since 2011 first as Vice President Education until 2015 and currently as President of IFLA Europe (since 2015). He is a member of the ICOMOS Ireland National Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes and chair of the ICOMOS Ireland World heritage Reflective Working Group. He is involved in a number of IFLA and ILI initiatives.